Personal Injury Verdicts & Results, Secured by the Attorneys at Theisen & Roche

$1,500,000 Settlement for Auto Collision

In November 2022, Theisen & Roche secured a recovery settlement on behalf of a client who suffered an auto collision with injuries.

$54 Million Verdict for Rear-End Collision

Theisen & Roche, in 2017, secured a verdict on behalf of client who was rear-ended by a semi and suffered knee and spine injuries with resulting chronic pain.

  • This verdict included $35,000,000 in punitive damages.
  • The accident was a truck-car collision.

$850,000 Settlement for Auto Collision

In May 2021, Theisen & Roche secured recovery on behalf of a client who underwent an artificial cervical disc replacement surgery after a rear end auto collision.

$1.37 Million Settlement for Automobile Collision

In 2020, Theisen & Roche secured a settlement on behalf of their client who had been involved in a wrong way collision.

$25 Million Judgement for Wrongful Death

In 2016, Theisen & Roche secured a judgment on behalf of a family who lost three family members as the result of a triple homicide related to a custody dispute.

$6.3 Million for Product Liability Injuries

In 2013, Theisen & Roche secured recovery on behalf of an individual that was rendered quadriplegic when the car she was a passenger in crashed into a tree. The lawsuit was brought against the driver of the car and the manufacturer of the car seats. The manufacturer of the car seats failed to provide adequate instructions with respect to the installation of the seats. As a result, the seats were not properly bolted and/or installed, which lead to a spinal cord injury.

$4.0 Million for Falling Merchandise

In 2013, Theisen & Roche secured a settlement for young father who suffered a traumatic brain injury after being pinned by paneling which fell forward onto him.

$1.6 Million for an Automobile Collision

Theisen & Roche secured a settlement on behalf of a police officer who was parked in the median monitoring traffic and was rear-ended by a motorist who drove into the median. The Plaintiff suffered injuries to both knees and his cervical and lumbar spine and underwent multiple surgical procedures. Plaintiff was also unable to continue his employment as a police officer due to his injuries.

$1.5 Million for Trucking Collision

In 2013, Theisen & Roche secured recovery on behalf of a doctor who was rear-ended by a semi tractor-trailer. Plaintiff underwent arthroscopic knee surgery, lumbar surgery and cervical fusion surgery.

$1.5 Million for Single Vision Collision

In 2013, Theisen & Roche secured recovery on behalf of three individuals who were passengers in a vehicle which made a sudden evasive maneuver, causing the vehicle to roll. The vehicle was insured for $1.0 million policy limits. Theisen & Roche was able to recover an additional $500,000, despite the excess carrier’s claims of no coverage.

$900,000 for a Slip and Fall Case

While exiting her first floor condominium, a woman fell on a patch of ice that had formed on the condominium’s rear stoop. The plaintiff suffered a fractured femur requiring multiple surgeries and substantial wage loss from her employment as a nurse. Theisen & Roche was able to establish that the defendant condominium association had prior knowledge of a long-standing hazard, which led to the ice, yet, they did nothing to remedy the defect.

$837,500 for an Automobile Accident

In 2013, Theisen & Roche secured recovery on behalf of a gentleman whose car was sideswiped by a landscaping truck, despite the fact that his car only incurred minimal damage.

$730,000 for Electrical Injury

Theisen & Roche secured recovery on behalf of a fence company employee who struck an underground 12,000 volt electrical line which the utility locating service failed to mark. Defendant’s employee testified concerning the lack of training and her request for more training before being sent into the field to mark underground utilities. Theisen & Roche successfully argued the right to request punitive damages on behalf of plaintiff.

$625,000 for a Construction Injury

Plaintiff was performing his duties on the third-floor units of a construction project. Plaintiff did not have any fall protection as required by OSHA regulations, a situation which had existed at least two (2) days prior to the incident. As Plaintiff was working on a third floor unit, he fell. Plaintiff sustained, among others, a closed head injury.

$475,000 Settlement for Third Degree Burn Injuries to Infant

Partial Settlement on behalf of a minor who suffered third degree burns due to excessively hot water surging from the bathtub spigot. Settlement paid on behalf of the property management company who was responsible for tenant complaints.

$425,000 for an Elevator Injury

Plaintiff tripped and fell when exiting an elevator which did not stop level with the floor. Through aggressive discovery, Theisen & Roche learned this elevator had a history of at least a half dozen complaints prior to plaintiff’s fall that the elevator was not stopping level with the floor.

$421,600 for an Automobile Collision

Recovered for a young woman struck head-on by a drunk driver. She suffered a fractured pelvis, ankle and wrist, with surgical repair of the ankle. The at-fault driver was underinsured with only a $20,000 insurance policy. The balance of the settlement was paid by the underinsured carrier. Theisen & Roche was able to collect additional funds directly from the responsible driver, in excess of the driver’s insurance limits, for property damage.

$405,000 for an Automobile Collision

Theisen & Roche, Ltd. successfully litigated the case against the rental car company’s insurance company, despite the fact that defendant only had $20,000 of insurance coverage. The company refused to extend coverage due to an exclusion in the policy.

$400,000 for an Automobile Collision

Recovered for a woman injured in a low speed collision when the defendant exited a parking garage on the wrong side of the road. Plaintiff suffered exacerbation of a pre-existing back condition, namely degeneration and disc bulge at L4-5 two months prior to the collision and an annular tear at L4-5 following the collision.

$375,000 for a Burn Case

Recovered on behalf of a gentleman who suffered burns to his legs. Plaintiff was a truck driver who was delivering lime to a mining operation plant. On the date in question, it was raining heavily and there was 12–14 inches of standing water mixed with lime at the silo where plaintiff was to drop off his load of lime. The standing water formed due to the plant’s faulty drainage system. Plaintiff could not avoid standing in the water while performing his duties. Plaintiff suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to his legs due to standing in the caustic water/lime run-off.

$250,000 Settlement for Rear-End Collision

Policy limits obtained on behalf of a client who was rear-ended and suffered low back injuries which required surgery.

$250,000 Settlement for Rear-End Collision

Policy limits obtained on behalf of client who suffered non-surgical spine injuries in a rear-end collision.

$235,000 Award for a Slip and Fall on Ice

Award on behalf of client who was injured when she slipped and fell on a natural accumulation of ice as she was leaving work. The award was entered against a snowplow contractor who negligently plowed the lot.

$230,000 for a Tanning Bed Injury

Theisen & Roche, Ltd. obtained a jury verdict against a tanning salon. Plaintiff suffered second degree burns on her chest and neck after using a tanning bed for less than 10 minutes. The salon owner had failed to replace the filters after changing the bulbs.

$202,500 for a Drive-By Shooting

Recovery for an individual that was injured in a drive-by shooting. The shooter’s homeowners insurance company denied coverage based upon the intentional act exclusion contained in the homeowner’s policy. Theisen & Roche was able to recover from the insurance company despite the exclusion.

$160,000 Judgment for Dog Bite Injury

Judgment on behalf of a client bitten by her neighbor’s dog. Client suffered bites to the right arm, back and thigh.

$145,000 for an Assault

Recovery for an individual who was kneed in the abdomen by a co-worker causing internal bleeding which required surgical repair. Theisen & Roche was able to recover from the defendant’s homeowner’s policy, despite policy language excluding intentional acts.

$117,000 Settlement for Dog Bite Injury

Settlement on behalf of client who suffered injuries to the groin as a result of a dog bite.

Undisclosed Settlement for Medical Malpractice

Recovery against a doctor for medical negligence on behalf of a patient who lost one kidney when a physician left a clamp on plaintiff’s ureter following surgery.

Confidential Settlement for Medical Malpractice

Settlement on behalf of an organ recipient who received a heart which had been donated by a high risk donor. Plaintiff subsequently contracted HIV and Hepatitis C from the organ. Plaintiff was not informed the organ had come from a high risk donor and was not given the opportunity to make an informed decision before electing to proceed with the transplant.